The Call for California - Sep 25th -
Wednesday, the 24th of September, marked the first day of a call to forty days of fasting and prayer for the state of California. On November 1st there will be a solemn assembly in San Diego at the Qualcomm Stadium where thousands of people will cry out to God for mercy on our state and on our nation. God is calling watchmen of all ages and social statuses to the wall of intercession in this urgent hour. Whether or not you are aware of it, the spiritual condition of California is at RED ALERT right now. The sphere of current politics is a window into the spiritual darkness that is accumulating over our state. Recently the Supreme Court of California legalized homosexual marriage. Currently a bill is awaiting acceptance that will commemorate every May 22nd as a day to celebrate the life of Harvey Milk, a politician that is known for improving the rights of homosexuals in various ways. After the court legalized homosexual marriage the mayor of San Francisco boasted, "As...