
Showing posts from September, 2009

A Right Hope

Hope. It keeps us going. It energizes us with dreams for the future, and sustains us like a strong anchor in the midst of the tumultuous storm waves of our current troubles. We were created to be creatures of hope, or if I could poetically use a phrase from the prophet Zechariah, "prisoners of hope" in the middle of a world that is often as bleak as a high security prison (Zechariah 9:12). In this respect we pilgrims are like prisoners with hope. But we are also prisoners of hope in that we are chained to the hope that we have set our minds upon. We can't help but be prisoners of hope. Our hope may be completely misplaced or utterly vain, but hope we must. The alternative is hopelessness, and no human spirit can survive long in this state. Many put their hope in a sudden turn in the economy. Good luck with this one. Others put all their eggs in the single basket of the hope for a slimmer body; other romantics encourage themselves with the thought of "the one" th...