
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Stranger That Gave Them Hope

The two travelers made their way along the dusty road away from the hubbub of Jerusalem. Their faces down, their conversations kept circling back to the same thing - the events that had transpired during the week of the Passover. Sometimes hushed, other times droning with a slow and despairing tone, and often rising with a burst of intense frustration, their voices could be heard echoing through the still, middle eastern air. The road was littered with pilgrims returning from the Feast, so a fellow sojourner in proximity to them was not that out of place. But this man had been catching up to the two talkers for the last fifteen minutes, and was now finally overtaking them. Their dialogue ceased as the lone commuter fell into step next to them. He unselfconsciously took a second to study their tense faces - then his face broke into a smile. "What are you discussing together as you walk along?" Cleopas and his companion slowed to a halt, wondering how to answer such a nai...

Does Prayer Really Work?

I have led prayer meetings as long as I have been walking with the Lord, with the exception of a couple years where I simply attended them. I have preached prayer. I have exhorted my friends to pray, and have urged the pastors I know personally to make prayer a central aspect of their ministry. From what I have read in the Bible and in church history, I live with an understanding that no great move of God has ever occurred outside of a group of people set on seeking the Lord in prayer and obeying His voice in humility. Most importantly, God has put a deep hunger inside of me to meet Him in the secret place in prayer for as long as I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit (or "experienced God," for the non-charismatics out there). All the same, God is doing something new inside of me with regard to prayer. And frankly, I feel like a novice. I wonder if I even really know how to pray. I truly believe that a man is as great as his prayer life. It's not something you can m...