
Showing posts from October, 2019

Should Christians Address Social Issues/Politics? Or Just Stick to the Gospel? (with brief update)

I understand my blog has been dormant for more than a short while, and I know this is an odd and even uncharacteristic topic for me to broach at all, much less as the subject of my re-inauguration post. But blogging again has been on my mind for awhile, as has this topic, so without overthinking why I would begin again with such a weird and often controversial topic, why not spout off some simplistic and haphazard answers to a deep and complex issue?      But first, since this blog is about 10% autobiography, and knowing where someone is coming from is always helpful when discussing important matters: where have I been for the last two years?      Last time I posted I was recently married and working full time as a 6th grade English teacher at St. Paul's School. My 2.5 years at St. Paul's were so many things: rich, rewarding, challenging, educational...and extremely exhausting. I put in my resignation in Spring of 2018 because I believed God was calling m...