
Showing posts from August, 2020

How I Discovered That Jesus Really Wants a House-of-Prayer-Church

"God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it." --John Wesley I was convinced early on in my journey of faith that the above quote from Wesley was indeed true. This is how. First, somebody somewhere told me about Jesus being a Passionate Lover--a Bridegroom--and that His presence could be more pleasurable than drugs, sex, and any other worldly pursuit. With childlike simplicity, I believed it. I began to spend time with Him alone on a sunny bench in southern California near my university dorm room. I would read the Bible and pray. The Bible was confusing, to be sure, but every once in awhile a verse would make sense and feel slightly relevant to my life. Prayer and worship, though, became the sweet spot. Perhaps the book of Isaiah did not offer me much in my early days as a Christian, but focusing on the beauty of Jesus and His love for me in worship never failed to produce gratitude, desire, and joy in my heart. I discovered the truth of King David's words, ...