A Critical Need for Discernment
The morning after Thanksgiving the Lord burdened me with the subject of the coming end time apostasy. I know, I know – it’s not exactly what most people are thinking about after a day of turkey, family gatherings, and street parades. That morning I was reading about the deceptive harlot of Revelation 17 and 18, and suddenly I felt compelled to pray for my friends and family to be prepared for what is to come in the near future. I have been praying that we would have spiritual discernment in this hour. There are several direct prophecies about the end time falling away in Scripture, and there are a few indirect allusions to it as well. In short, the Bible makes it clear that a time is coming when many who call themselves Christians will turn away from the faith and deny the Lord. It is massively important that we understand this concept, and if you get anything out of what I am about to write next, I would have you think to yourself: "Wow - I need to read for myself about t...