A Critical Need for Discernment
The morning after Thanksgiving the Lord burdened me with the subject of the coming end time apostasy. I know, I know – it’s not exactly what most people are thinking about after a day of turkey, family gatherings, and street parades. That morning I was reading about the deceptive harlot of Revelation 17 and 18, and suddenly I felt compelled to pray for my friends and family to be prepared for what is to come in the near future. I have been praying that we would have spiritual discernment in this hour.
There are several direct prophecies about the end time falling away in Scripture, and there are a few indirect allusions to it as well. In short, the Bible makes it clear that a time is coming when many who call themselves Christians will turn away from the faith and deny the Lord. It is massively important that we understand this concept, and if you get anything out of what I am about to write next, I would have you think to yourself: "Wow - I need to read for myself about this important biblical topic." It is so important, in fact, that almost every passage of Scripture which speaks of the end times warns of the great deception that will be present in that time and the corresponding need to watch, pray, and be sturdy in the faith of Jesus.
Away from the confusion and tumult of the crowds, some bewildered disciples ask Jesus for signs and information about the end of the age. On the Mount of Olives itself, a key location in end time prophecy, Jesus answers with this initial warning: "Take heed that no one deceives you" (Matthew 24:4). Paul prefaces his most important paragraph on the end time falling away with these terse words: "Let no one deceive you by any means" (2 Thessalonians 2:3). And Peter, in his last letter to the church before his martyrdom, spends the bulk of three chapters warning them about the insidiousness of false teachers within the church and the need to hold fast to the "light that shines in a dark place" - the steadfast light of Scripture itself (2 Peter 1:19). As we near the end of the age, deception will increase with frightening rapidity. Good looking and eloquent false teachers and prophets will abound, the authority and clear meaning of Scripture will be maligned, and teaching that makes one "feel good" but does not exalt Jesus and His ways will allure many away from the true faith. We must learn to discern between light and darkness.
We are approaching the days when the deceptions of this world will come to a climax. This will culminate with a Great Apostasy - a most sobering reality. The Apostle Paul informed his young disciple Timothy about this: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..." (1 Timothy 4:1-2) In his next breath, he reminds the young preacher to keep studying the Scriptures and to faithfully minister them to others. In 2 Thessalonians 2 we are given an extremely clear instruction about the end times concerning the coming apostasy. The Holy Spirit shows us that two major events must happen before "the coming of our Lord Jesus and our gathering together to Him" (verse 1). Before the Second Coming and the Rapture of the saints, a great "falling away" will occur and the antichrist himself will be revealed (verse 3). These are the two clear signs to a generation that the coming of Jesus is at the door. In other words, before we are snatched away to be with Jesus in what is called the "Rapture," a most grievous "falling away" will happen within the church. Multitudes who currently name the name of Christ will deny the faith and decide that it is not worth it to be a Christian any longer. This is real, and it has not happened yet, just as the antichrist has obviously not been revealed yet. We will be on the earth, not in heaven, when it happens. Are we ready?
I do believe that revival is coming to the praying church, and I do believe that a whole host of overcomers are about to be raised up in our generation. But I also believe that this is going to happen in tandem with a great falling away from Christianity. It is not one or the other – it is both. First Peter 4:17 states that “the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God.” A great judgment of the church will commence as darkness and deception increases and many believers decide to bail on the true gospel of Jesus. Yet as we are purged and challenged as a worldwide body, we will learn to depend on God with humility and unmatched resilience, and a pure and spotless bride will emerge like never before.
I don’t know what the coming apostasy will look like; I only know that it is coming and that signs of it are already on the horizon. My guess is that we are approaching the days of the greatest “revolving door” ever seen in the history of the church. Many will be going out the door in times of challenge and persecution, yet many will be coming in as the power of God and revival begin to break forth. The truly spiritually hungry will be drawn to the fragrance of Jesus emanating from the body of Christ, and those who chose Christianity for its social profile and feel-good messages will be quickly exiting. However, my present burden is not to pinpoint the details, but to prepare for what is coming with fresh sobriety and the fear of the Lord. I want others to be prepared as well. As I have mentioned already, the primary way to do this is to acquire real spiritual discernment.
Here are two ways to grow in discernment. First, make time for feasting on the Word of God in an atmosphere of prayer. If we let God’s Word discern our own hearts first, we will obtain sharp discernment. Chapters 4-6 in the book of Hebrews note this progression. First the writer gives a strong statement concerning the power of the Word of God – “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (4:12). He is saying - Let the Word cut through the dross of your soul life, separating the good from the bad that is inside of you. The author then goes on to rebuke them for their lack of spiritual maturity, writing that “everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil” (5:13-14). After mentioning the power of the Word of God to discern their own thoughts and motives, he lets them know that their lack of discernment is directly related to their meager diet on the Word. Our spiritual senses are only exercised in discernment as we read the Word, pray the Word, and talk about the Word with friends. In this slow but sure process, we gradually learn to “discern both good and evil.” If you want to move faster on the road to maturity, add regular times of fasting in your schedule as you pray and feast on the Scriptures,
The second way to grow in discernment is to ask for it. I know what you are thinking – these are not exactly profound secrets. Read the Bible and pray, start fasting regularly, and then make it a point to ask God for discernment. The way of the narrow road is simple, but still few enter in. Ask yourself this question: do I regularly ask for discernment? In light of the great falling away and the widespread deception that is to come, I think you should. In fact, the prayer for discernment is also one of the great apostolic prayers of the New Testament: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent…” (Philippians 1:9-10). The apostolic prayers were given as a roadmap for our intercession, and this one is no exception. Make the prayer request for discernment part of your regular personal and family prayer life.
I know that many issues related to the end times are controversial and considered “powder kegs” by much of the body of Christ, but this topic is too important to overlook. The war for truth is escalating in intensity in our day, not subsiding. The Scriptural prophecies of the Great Apostasy and the revelation of the antichrist show us that we are heading towards a dramatic face-off between light and darkness, and spiritual preparation is critical. It is not biblical knowledge with which we are primarily concerned; we want the Word in us, discerning us, impacting us, and shaping us into Christ. Now is the time for drills and practice sessions, exercising our senses in discernment, so in that day we will not be found wanting.
There are several direct prophecies about the end time falling away in Scripture, and there are a few indirect allusions to it as well. In short, the Bible makes it clear that a time is coming when many who call themselves Christians will turn away from the faith and deny the Lord. It is massively important that we understand this concept, and if you get anything out of what I am about to write next, I would have you think to yourself: "Wow - I need to read for myself about this important biblical topic." It is so important, in fact, that almost every passage of Scripture which speaks of the end times warns of the great deception that will be present in that time and the corresponding need to watch, pray, and be sturdy in the faith of Jesus.
Away from the confusion and tumult of the crowds, some bewildered disciples ask Jesus for signs and information about the end of the age. On the Mount of Olives itself, a key location in end time prophecy, Jesus answers with this initial warning: "Take heed that no one deceives you" (Matthew 24:4). Paul prefaces his most important paragraph on the end time falling away with these terse words: "Let no one deceive you by any means" (2 Thessalonians 2:3). And Peter, in his last letter to the church before his martyrdom, spends the bulk of three chapters warning them about the insidiousness of false teachers within the church and the need to hold fast to the "light that shines in a dark place" - the steadfast light of Scripture itself (2 Peter 1:19). As we near the end of the age, deception will increase with frightening rapidity. Good looking and eloquent false teachers and prophets will abound, the authority and clear meaning of Scripture will be maligned, and teaching that makes one "feel good" but does not exalt Jesus and His ways will allure many away from the true faith. We must learn to discern between light and darkness.
We are approaching the days when the deceptions of this world will come to a climax. This will culminate with a Great Apostasy - a most sobering reality. The Apostle Paul informed his young disciple Timothy about this: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..." (1 Timothy 4:1-2) In his next breath, he reminds the young preacher to keep studying the Scriptures and to faithfully minister them to others. In 2 Thessalonians 2 we are given an extremely clear instruction about the end times concerning the coming apostasy. The Holy Spirit shows us that two major events must happen before "the coming of our Lord Jesus and our gathering together to Him" (verse 1). Before the Second Coming and the Rapture of the saints, a great "falling away" will occur and the antichrist himself will be revealed (verse 3). These are the two clear signs to a generation that the coming of Jesus is at the door. In other words, before we are snatched away to be with Jesus in what is called the "Rapture," a most grievous "falling away" will happen within the church. Multitudes who currently name the name of Christ will deny the faith and decide that it is not worth it to be a Christian any longer. This is real, and it has not happened yet, just as the antichrist has obviously not been revealed yet. We will be on the earth, not in heaven, when it happens. Are we ready?
I do believe that revival is coming to the praying church, and I do believe that a whole host of overcomers are about to be raised up in our generation. But I also believe that this is going to happen in tandem with a great falling away from Christianity. It is not one or the other – it is both. First Peter 4:17 states that “the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God.” A great judgment of the church will commence as darkness and deception increases and many believers decide to bail on the true gospel of Jesus. Yet as we are purged and challenged as a worldwide body, we will learn to depend on God with humility and unmatched resilience, and a pure and spotless bride will emerge like never before.
I don’t know what the coming apostasy will look like; I only know that it is coming and that signs of it are already on the horizon. My guess is that we are approaching the days of the greatest “revolving door” ever seen in the history of the church. Many will be going out the door in times of challenge and persecution, yet many will be coming in as the power of God and revival begin to break forth. The truly spiritually hungry will be drawn to the fragrance of Jesus emanating from the body of Christ, and those who chose Christianity for its social profile and feel-good messages will be quickly exiting. However, my present burden is not to pinpoint the details, but to prepare for what is coming with fresh sobriety and the fear of the Lord. I want others to be prepared as well. As I have mentioned already, the primary way to do this is to acquire real spiritual discernment.
Here are two ways to grow in discernment. First, make time for feasting on the Word of God in an atmosphere of prayer. If we let God’s Word discern our own hearts first, we will obtain sharp discernment. Chapters 4-6 in the book of Hebrews note this progression. First the writer gives a strong statement concerning the power of the Word of God – “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (4:12). He is saying - Let the Word cut through the dross of your soul life, separating the good from the bad that is inside of you. The author then goes on to rebuke them for their lack of spiritual maturity, writing that “everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil” (5:13-14). After mentioning the power of the Word of God to discern their own thoughts and motives, he lets them know that their lack of discernment is directly related to their meager diet on the Word. Our spiritual senses are only exercised in discernment as we read the Word, pray the Word, and talk about the Word with friends. In this slow but sure process, we gradually learn to “discern both good and evil.” If you want to move faster on the road to maturity, add regular times of fasting in your schedule as you pray and feast on the Scriptures,
The second way to grow in discernment is to ask for it. I know what you are thinking – these are not exactly profound secrets. Read the Bible and pray, start fasting regularly, and then make it a point to ask God for discernment. The way of the narrow road is simple, but still few enter in. Ask yourself this question: do I regularly ask for discernment? In light of the great falling away and the widespread deception that is to come, I think you should. In fact, the prayer for discernment is also one of the great apostolic prayers of the New Testament: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent…” (Philippians 1:9-10). The apostolic prayers were given as a roadmap for our intercession, and this one is no exception. Make the prayer request for discernment part of your regular personal and family prayer life.
I know that many issues related to the end times are controversial and considered “powder kegs” by much of the body of Christ, but this topic is too important to overlook. The war for truth is escalating in intensity in our day, not subsiding. The Scriptural prophecies of the Great Apostasy and the revelation of the antichrist show us that we are heading towards a dramatic face-off between light and darkness, and spiritual preparation is critical. It is not biblical knowledge with which we are primarily concerned; we want the Word in us, discerning us, impacting us, and shaping us into Christ. Now is the time for drills and practice sessions, exercising our senses in discernment, so in that day we will not be found wanting.
Not sure if you know who I am...(I did a search and found your blog.) My name used to be Becky Cannon (I went to a high school dance with your brother Robin and am friends w/lots of Saviors people). Anyway, I got a hold of the book you wrote from Heather Dunbar. I saw her recently and asked about you because I'd prayed a lot for you and your family...she told me about Finding God in Pain, and I'm so glad she let me borrow a copy. I thank you for writing it. I was deeply moved and learned new insights. I know that your dad is proud of you "for we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses..." Your trust in God is not only a testament of who God is in his infinite love, but of the man your dad raised you to be. Becky Hansen