
Showing posts from January, 2009

Just One Intercessor

You often hear people speak of a "holy generation" that God is raising up; a prophetic generation, a movement that will change history. I believe in this. Indeed, this is the very groan of creation itself - sons and daughters walking in the full glory and authority of God. I pray that this would be my own generation. But how many men and women does it take to change history? First Samuel tells of a time in Israel's history where "there was no widespread revelation" (1 Samuel 3:1). The phrase "no widespread revelation" means that God was not speaking to any of the religious leaders at that time. God doesn't release His word when no one is waiting for it. Why would God speak to those who don't care to listen? He never casts His pearls upon swines. Oh, don't misunderstand the religious atmosphere of the time - the teachers and preachers of the day were still teaching and preaching. They were still holding their conferences in...

My Personal Calling to Pray

Everyone is called to pray, but not everyone is called to full time intercession. Many people are not even aware that people are called to full time intercession, but it is a principle clearly seen in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the tribe of the Levites in Israel had a special calling to serve the tabernacle. Some did practical maintenance, others gave themselves to the sacrifices and incense that the law required. In David’s day, the Levites were set apart specifically to worship with music and cry out to God around the ark of the covenant, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is absolutely stunning. King David was the one and only leader in Israel’s history that led the entire nation from the centerpiece reality of a 24/7 prayer furnace. Many other great Jewish leaders with a heart for God reformed and revived the worship and prayer ministry, but no one mobilized prayer with the passion that David had and the rich amount of resources he possessed to back it up. This prayer minist...