The Emerging Leadership Methodology
Before examining one of Jesus’ primary leadership strategies as seen in the Gospels, there is a scene in the book of Revelation that deserves attention. If there is any doubt, it highlights the worthiness of this Man as eternal world leader. This stunning section of Scripture should add a new dimension of sobriety to one’s soul as they go on to look at the words of Jesus of Nazareth during His short time on the earth before His death, resurrection, and ascension. This is no Gandhi, Napolean, or merely a nice Jewish Rabbi – this is the One before whom every knee will bow and every tongue will exalt in absolute obedience and holy fear.
In the Apostle John’s visionary experience in Revelation 5, he sees a “strong angel” before the Father of Glory. In a thunderous voice, the mighty angel asks a startling question that rings out before heaven and earth: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” In essence, he is asking if there is anyone who is humble and holy enough to lead an entire planet in love without succumbing to pride or selfishness, and if there is anyone effective enough to administer the end time judgments of Revelation, consummate natural history, and manage the entire human race under the Father. Obviously, this leader must be man, for man has been given authority on the earth. Yet this leader must somehow be God as well, because all men have sinned, have forfeited their place of leadership, and have defiled the earth they were given to take care of. Only God could redeem them from this state. No one steps forward. Dave Ramsey, in all of his financial wisdom and DVD sales, does not step forward. President Obama shrinks back in shame and fear. John Maxwell, the reigning authority on Christian leadership, begins to weep and tremble uncontrollably at the thought of his own inadequacy for the massive job description. Finally, a humble looking Man with scars on His hands and feet steps forward. He takes the scroll of the Father’s end time plan to usher in a new age, and begins to lead all of creation with perfect truth, humility, righteousness, and ability. First the angelic hosts, then every creature in heaven, earth, and under the earth break forth in praise to this God-man. The Leader of all Leaders is worthy to take the scroll and reign forever and ever.
The day that the Lamb takes the scroll is yet future, but we still have insight into His leadership all throughout the Scriptures. Specifically, the Gospels show Jesus leading a small band of rambunctious young men throughout His earthly ministry. One should take note of how he led these squirrelly adolescents, because these same individuals went on to start a religious movement that has endured for twenty centuries, and 11 of the original 12 ultimately gave their lives in martyrdom for the sake of Him and His purposes. That is effective leadership. If a leader spends three years with some immature drop-outs and blue-collar workers, then leaves indefinitely and gives his business into their hands for the rest of their lives, it is likely that they will quit or screw it up. Not so in Jesus’ case. With the exception of Judas, whom Jesus knew would revolt before He even chose Him, the disciples all went on to live well, lead well, and die well. No one has seen anything like Jesus’ leadership over these ones at any other time in history.
There are many passages where Jesus says or does something in a way that trains His disciples in a unique way, but a short pericope in the Gospel of Mark gives a fundamental strategy of His that is the secret to all else that follows. One will see that it is different than the strategies of most ecclesial and business structures at the present moment, but as noted before, it was unimaginably effective.
And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons…
(Mark 3:13-15, underline mine)
Jesus sovereignly chooses His twelve disciples and calls them to Himself at a key moment in time. Of the three things that He appointed them to do, the first listed is the most important and is the key to the other two. In fact, it is the key to every other thing a leader could ever do. Jesus called the apostolic leaders of historic Christianity to spend time with Him.
This is more than a mentor spending time with the next up and coming leader of a corporation. This is about being with one Man that can change human hearts and form and fashion loving humility and boldness in a human vessel all in the same breath. This is the only leadership strategy that will pass the test of eternity. Many smooth leaders of different ideologies and social movements throughout the ages have tried to propagate their beliefs and religious networks in a multitude of ways; many Christian leaders have even tried to spread the Gospel and build their ministries in ways other than what Jesus prescribed in this passage in Mark’s Gospel. Unfortunately for them, the first and most important thing will be found lacking on the day that they meet the great Judge of heaven and earth – intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. The pitiful Christian leaders who tried to work for the Kingdom without spending time in the presence of Jesus on a regular basis will be saved, but as through fiery flames. The other misled leaders of the nations will pass into eternal flames of torment. Only one leadership method will be found to last the test of time. This is the same “method” that Jesus employed with His earthly disciples: “that they might be with Him.”
God is raising up leaders in this generation that want Him and His presence more than anything else. He is calling them to spend time with Him in long and delightful hours in the Word, and in fasting and prayer. While many of the so called emerging church movements are now preoccupied with dim lights and seeker sensitive settings, new “missional” models of leadership, and creative ways of organizing their Sunday morning or Tuesday afternoon services, Satan is laughing at their absorption with such secondary issues. The prince of the power of the air continues to kill, steal, and destroy innumerable lives while new Christian leadership methodologies fill the bookstores. The demonized men in these congregations walk out of their stylish venues with a complimentary donut in their hand but no deliverance from their torment; bruised and battered women leave their clever sermons with all of the pain and emotional wounding that they walked in with. Leaders will not preach Christ with power, heal sicknesses, and cast out demons unless they follow Jesus’ millennia-old strategy of spending long hours with Him before they do anything else. The real “emerging” leaders on the horizon of history will be addicted to His presence and will refuse any promotion or blessing that takes them further from the heart of God. They will walk in signs and wonders, raise the dead, and bring in the lost with effectiveness and without ulterior motives, because they have taken the time to see the face of the greatest Leader of history – the Lamb who is worthy to open the scroll, Jesus Christ.