Eternity in View
...I wrote this and read this out loud at my birthday dinner two Saturdays ago, the 2nd. May 2, 2009 So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom… - Psalm 90:12 I was talking to a friend over dinner the other day, and as usual, the conversation started to turn toward spiritual matters. Now, my friend has had a history with God, but because of some painful circumstances in recent years, he has since rejected the notion that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Once a member of the community of faith, he has now developed a new spirituality that does include any specific god or moral code. It was rather impossible to avoid the topic, though. We started talking about faith, Jesus, and eventually, heaven and hell. After some visible frustration at some of the things I was saying, he finally looked at me and said with pointed bluntness: “So let me guess – you believe that I am going to hell.” A little caught off guard, I slowly responded, “Well…I don’t kno...