1st Californians: A Love to Bind Us (ch 11-14)
The next four chapters of 1 Corinthians contain some of the most controversial passages in the Bible - no joke. I could spend a lot of time and cyberspace on this blog trying to give my opinions and interpretations of the sections concerning women in ministry and the spiritual gifts. In fact, I would rather enjoy that. I think it certainly matters what we believe about these issues. However, I also think that there is a definite reason that one of the Bible's most eloquent and beautiful passages on love is found sandwiched between these infamous chapters of long-standing debate. Love, the Scriptures are telling us, is the key. What would we believe about women in ministry if love guided our theology? A love for Jesus and His Truth, first and foremost, but also a love and honor for women themselves and the unique and powerful gifts they carry? I wonder if we would so easily relegate them to the background of church government with our p...