Does Prayer Really Work?
I have led prayer meetings as long as I have been walking with the Lord, with the exception of a couple years where I simply attended them. I have preached prayer. I have exhorted my friends to pray, and have urged the pastors I know personally to make prayer a central aspect of their ministry. From what I have read in the Bible and in church history, I live with an understanding that no great move of God has ever occurred outside of a group of people set on seeking the Lord in prayer and obeying His voice in humility. Most importantly, God has put a deep hunger inside of me to meet Him in the secret place in prayer for as long as I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit (or "experienced God," for the non-charismatics out there).
All the same, God is doing something new inside of me with regard to prayer. And frankly, I feel like a novice. I wonder if I even really know how to pray.
I truly believe that a man is as great as his prayer life. It's not something you can measure in hours; it's about a deep and abiding heart-connect with the living God. Once we truly get a hold of God in prayer, something dynamic happens - He gets a hold of us. That is both scary and wonderful. It is fearful because being gripped by His Spirit means yielding control, the great idol of the western world. But it is beautiful because His leadership is excellent. He leads us to where we couldn't (and perhaps wouldn't) go on our own, and the promised land we find is swollen with goodness and love.
Prayer's intrinsic value is that it brings us into deeper intimacy with God, which is the meaning of life. But what is revived in me is an insatiable desire for results. I don't just want prayer; I want answered prayer.
I remember once reading a quote from one of the older classics on prayer: "The point of prayer is answer." (I believe it was Andrew Murray) It stunned me. I thought answered prayer was the cherry on top, a bonus to the essential task of "having a prayer time." As many of my prayers went unanswered, seemingly, it caused me to radically question my belief system.
I don't want to just log hours in prayer any more - not in the secret place, not in the house of prayer. I want to see God move.
As soon as this passion for spiritual fruit was clearly articulated in my mind, I set about recording answers to prayer. The result was stunning. I had no idea how many little prayers of mine were being answered on a daily basis! Things that I had forgotten that I had prayed about, things that may have even appeared trivial, except for the fact that now they were visible reminders of God's present-tense care for my life.
Sunday, January 11 - The results of one day of recording answers to prayer:
I have prayed several times that God would help connect me with the believers here on the Central Coast. A man from my small group approached me at church today to say hi. In our conversation he randomly asked if I played any instruments. I merely said, "Yeah - drums and guitar." He asked if I wanted to be on a worship team. I paused for a second, not knowing how much I could commit to in this season. At that very moment, the man who coordinates the worship teams at Every Day Church and inducts new members walked up to us. I was introduced, and seconds later an audition was scheduled. All I did was show up to church.
Another recent prayer of mine has been to make peace with a dear friend with whom I have experienced many relational bumps and bruises. This person is extremely busy, but tonight I ventured to call. My friend answered, and a very honest hour and a half conversation ensued. Honest and healing for me, I would add.
I have also been asking God for help in writing books. I love to write, but feel so inadequate and lost when it comes to editing, publishing, marketing, and the practicals that producing a book entails. Well, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a Facebook comment from an acquaintance that mentioned that she is a professional editor in her spare time. Since contacting her, she has proved to be a God-sent. She is a meticulous editor with a passion for Jesus, and basically taught me more about professional writing in one phone conversation than I have learned in several years of composing and self-publishing.
Indeed, God answers prayer.
But these are small things. Precious to me, and to God, no doubt, but still small. What about the big things? Can family members be saved, chronic illnesses healed, and cities and nations turned back to God?
This is the real rub for me these days. As most of you know, I have wrestled with chronic lyme disease for over five years now, and have yet to see full healing. But this time, it's not my healing that I'm asking for.
It's my little brother's.
Justin was diagnosed with cancer last week. Stage 3 melanoma. He's 27. A shock to me, my family, and him, I'm sure. When suffering hits, the Bible doesn't always promise an explanation. But it does require a response. And I'm responding with prayers for healing.
In some ways I feel as if I've stepped out of the practice room and been thrust into the game. Divine connections are one thing, but a life hanging in the balance is another. And all of this awakens me to the reality that eternal souls are at stake every day. Really, it never was practice. We're all playing - rather, praying - for keeps. Heaven and hell vie for the souls of men and women every day.
The prayers of the saints are what will tip the scale, and answered prayers are what will win the war. Welcome to the battle.
All the same, God is doing something new inside of me with regard to prayer. And frankly, I feel like a novice. I wonder if I even really know how to pray.
I truly believe that a man is as great as his prayer life. It's not something you can measure in hours; it's about a deep and abiding heart-connect with the living God. Once we truly get a hold of God in prayer, something dynamic happens - He gets a hold of us. That is both scary and wonderful. It is fearful because being gripped by His Spirit means yielding control, the great idol of the western world. But it is beautiful because His leadership is excellent. He leads us to where we couldn't (and perhaps wouldn't) go on our own, and the promised land we find is swollen with goodness and love.
Prayer's intrinsic value is that it brings us into deeper intimacy with God, which is the meaning of life. But what is revived in me is an insatiable desire for results. I don't just want prayer; I want answered prayer.
I remember once reading a quote from one of the older classics on prayer: "The point of prayer is answer." (I believe it was Andrew Murray) It stunned me. I thought answered prayer was the cherry on top, a bonus to the essential task of "having a prayer time." As many of my prayers went unanswered, seemingly, it caused me to radically question my belief system.
I don't want to just log hours in prayer any more - not in the secret place, not in the house of prayer. I want to see God move.
As soon as this passion for spiritual fruit was clearly articulated in my mind, I set about recording answers to prayer. The result was stunning. I had no idea how many little prayers of mine were being answered on a daily basis! Things that I had forgotten that I had prayed about, things that may have even appeared trivial, except for the fact that now they were visible reminders of God's present-tense care for my life.
Sunday, January 11 - The results of one day of recording answers to prayer:
I have prayed several times that God would help connect me with the believers here on the Central Coast. A man from my small group approached me at church today to say hi. In our conversation he randomly asked if I played any instruments. I merely said, "Yeah - drums and guitar." He asked if I wanted to be on a worship team. I paused for a second, not knowing how much I could commit to in this season. At that very moment, the man who coordinates the worship teams at Every Day Church and inducts new members walked up to us. I was introduced, and seconds later an audition was scheduled. All I did was show up to church.
Another recent prayer of mine has been to make peace with a dear friend with whom I have experienced many relational bumps and bruises. This person is extremely busy, but tonight I ventured to call. My friend answered, and a very honest hour and a half conversation ensued. Honest and healing for me, I would add.
I have also been asking God for help in writing books. I love to write, but feel so inadequate and lost when it comes to editing, publishing, marketing, and the practicals that producing a book entails. Well, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a Facebook comment from an acquaintance that mentioned that she is a professional editor in her spare time. Since contacting her, she has proved to be a God-sent. She is a meticulous editor with a passion for Jesus, and basically taught me more about professional writing in one phone conversation than I have learned in several years of composing and self-publishing.
Indeed, God answers prayer.
But these are small things. Precious to me, and to God, no doubt, but still small. What about the big things? Can family members be saved, chronic illnesses healed, and cities and nations turned back to God?
This is the real rub for me these days. As most of you know, I have wrestled with chronic lyme disease for over five years now, and have yet to see full healing. But this time, it's not my healing that I'm asking for.
It's my little brother's.
Justin was diagnosed with cancer last week. Stage 3 melanoma. He's 27. A shock to me, my family, and him, I'm sure. When suffering hits, the Bible doesn't always promise an explanation. But it does require a response. And I'm responding with prayers for healing.
In some ways I feel as if I've stepped out of the practice room and been thrust into the game. Divine connections are one thing, but a life hanging in the balance is another. And all of this awakens me to the reality that eternal souls are at stake every day. Really, it never was practice. We're all playing - rather, praying - for keeps. Heaven and hell vie for the souls of men and women every day.
The prayers of the saints are what will tip the scale, and answered prayers are what will win the war. Welcome to the battle.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
- James 5:16
"These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” (Mark 16:17-18 NLT)
"Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say TO this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. (Matthew 21:21 NLT)