
Showing posts from 2009

A Right Hope

Hope. It keeps us going. It energizes us with dreams for the future, and sustains us like a strong anchor in the midst of the tumultuous storm waves of our current troubles. We were created to be creatures of hope, or if I could poetically use a phrase from the prophet Zechariah, "prisoners of hope" in the middle of a world that is often as bleak as a high security prison (Zechariah 9:12). In this respect we pilgrims are like prisoners with hope. But we are also prisoners of hope in that we are chained to the hope that we have set our minds upon. We can't help but be prisoners of hope. Our hope may be completely misplaced or utterly vain, but hope we must. The alternative is hopelessness, and no human spirit can survive long in this state. Many put their hope in a sudden turn in the economy. Good luck with this one. Others put all their eggs in the single basket of the hope for a slimmer body; other romantics encourage themselves with the thought of "the one" th...

Eternity in View

...I wrote this and read this out loud at my birthday dinner two Saturdays ago, the 2nd. May 2, 2009 So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom… - Psalm 90:12 I was talking to a friend over dinner the other day, and as usual, the conversation started to turn toward spiritual matters. Now, my friend has had a history with God, but because of some painful circumstances in recent years, he has since rejected the notion that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Once a member of the community of faith, he has now developed a new spirituality that does include any specific god or moral code. It was rather impossible to avoid the topic, though. We started talking about faith, Jesus, and eventually, heaven and hell. After some visible frustration at some of the things I was saying, he finally looked at me and said with pointed bluntness: “So let me guess – you believe that I am going to hell.” A little caught off guard, I slowly responded, “Well…I don’t kno...

The Emerging Leadership Methodology

There is an abundance of leadership books on the market these days. Politics and world leadership, studies of historical leaders, church leadership, business leadership, and often, a mixture of the above. If there is a crying need for anything in this turbulent hour of history, it is probably a capable leader. Most common in my recent sphere of observation has been the coalescence of business and Christian leadership techniques. There is certainly some good in the mergence of these two sectors of society, especially when businesses and their staff submit to Jesus Himself and the principles of the Word of God in the face of the wisdom of this world, but perhaps more often Christianity is watered down by savvy business techniques and ideas that find their root in this present evil system. The world is crying out for leaders, and the church is crying out for leaders, but few seem to be taking their cues from the greatest Leader that ever was and is: Jesus, the Son of the ...

Just One Intercessor

You often hear people speak of a "holy generation" that God is raising up; a prophetic generation, a movement that will change history. I believe in this. Indeed, this is the very groan of creation itself - sons and daughters walking in the full glory and authority of God. I pray that this would be my own generation. But how many men and women does it take to change history? First Samuel tells of a time in Israel's history where "there was no widespread revelation" (1 Samuel 3:1). The phrase "no widespread revelation" means that God was not speaking to any of the religious leaders at that time. God doesn't release His word when no one is waiting for it. Why would God speak to those who don't care to listen? He never casts His pearls upon swines. Oh, don't misunderstand the religious atmosphere of the time - the teachers and preachers of the day were still teaching and preaching. They were still holding their conferences in...

My Personal Calling to Pray

Everyone is called to pray, but not everyone is called to full time intercession. Many people are not even aware that people are called to full time intercession, but it is a principle clearly seen in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the tribe of the Levites in Israel had a special calling to serve the tabernacle. Some did practical maintenance, others gave themselves to the sacrifices and incense that the law required. In David’s day, the Levites were set apart specifically to worship with music and cry out to God around the ark of the covenant, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is absolutely stunning. King David was the one and only leader in Israel’s history that led the entire nation from the centerpiece reality of a 24/7 prayer furnace. Many other great Jewish leaders with a heart for God reformed and revived the worship and prayer ministry, but no one mobilized prayer with the passion that David had and the rich amount of resources he possessed to back it up. This prayer minist...